Learn ​Fractional

and thrive

magnificent mountain ranges in the middle toros mountains


To take a permanent role in a

fraction of the time thought necessary.

The world is changing.

Change with it.

In 2023 when I wrote the first draft of Revolt: The Rise of Fractional and the Death of Full Time, there were about 2,000 people on LinkedIn who described themselves as Fractional professionals. Today that number is 100,000. And growing. That is a 2000% growth rate over two years. The question to ask yourself isn’t are you going back to the way things were? The question to ask yourself is how are you going to move forward?

The Fractional train is here. I encourage you to hop on for the best ride of your career.

-John Arms

Co-founder, Voyageur University

The Fractional You.

African-American business coach with the laptop
Woman coach explaining strategy to client in light room

Revenue from

Fractional Clients.

Three clients as a Fractional pro is still less time than a full- time job. Plus less risk, great revenue and far better life balance.

Revenue from

Fractional Opportunities.

It’s not just clients. The freedom of Fractional opens up time for paid projects, paid board roles, paid coaching and paid advising.

Your Fractional Support Community.

You may be solo, but you’re never alone. The Fractional ecosystem surrounds you with support here, here and here.

The path to success begins with learning.

online coaching support encourage distance
Male business coach speaker in suit give flipchart presentation
Teaching New Business Concepts

Fractional Explorer™

Fractional Funnel™

Fractional Accelerator™

Find out definitively if fractional is, or is not, for you, and why. 1-hour online course.


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Learn how to make the right connections, fill your pipeline and keep it full until you retire.


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Accelerate your time to clients, connections and a thriving fractional business. Rigorous 6-week course.


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Deep dive on your next chapter.

Coaching session
Online Test. Man Studying with Computer at Home
Serious business coach making flip chart presentation, training diverse staff

Fractional Coach™

Fractional DIY™

Fractional Positioning™

Personal 1:1 coaching to get you moving forward, or un-stuck where you’re stuck.


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Self-guide your way in your transition to your Fractional career. New lessons monthly.


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Deep dive on uncovering the true value that you offer.

6 week co-hort.


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Deeper dives coming up.

Cheerful colleagues laughing during corporate event
Business Presentation

Fractional Lead Qualification™

Syllabus and course description coming soon...

Fractional Experience Design™

Syllabus and course description coming soon...

Frak 2024

The only place in the world where the Fractional community gathers to learn, share and grow.

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Fractional Hiring™

Man Writing on a Whiteboard at a Meeting

Trouble hiring? Find the right fractional fit.

Hiring full time staff is expensive, time consuming and, to be honest, very risky. Tens of thousands of outstanding executive's have moved on from that model. You can too.

A program with candidates for $5K?

Nope, not a fairy tale. If you have hired before you know that you are in for two, three or ten times that by the time you have candidates to talk to. Not here. Two simple sessions on how to hire Fractional pros and you will be talking to the best Fractional candidates out there.

No more unicorns.

"Finding the right talent to drive our business forward was a major ​challenge, so discovering Voyageur University and their fractional ​leadership model was a game-changer. Jason and John's guidance ​and support in pursuing top-tier fractional leaders has not only ​helped to fill crucial gaps in our team but has also brought fresh ​perspectives and expertise to the table. I highly recommend ​Voyageur University to any company looking to optimize their talent ​strategy."

-Stephanie Kent, CEO, CarbonMed

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Fractional Referrals™

Diverse Business Group Listening to a Casual Presentation Meeting

Learn how to be referrable.

For the rest of your Fractional career, most of your business will come from referrals. But referrals don’t come on their own.

Get referral ready.

Being referrable is a complete shift in your mindset and approach to networking. It also relies on a whole new set of referral mechanics that have only emerged since the pandemic. Learn the ropes of being referrable for the rest of your Fractional career. 1.5 hr.


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The Vibe at Voyageur University.


we are wholly committed to re-planting the seeds of self-determination worldwide.


We seek to shape a world where every Fractional professional finds the freedom, opportunity and fulfillment they so richly deserve.





Equity and inclusion.


The book that started the movement.

The number one cause of death is heart disease.

The number one cause of heart disease is stress.

The number one cause of stress is work.

Houston, we have a problem.

The great resignation. Quiet quitting. Quiet firing.

Return to the office. NOT returning to the office. The very nature of how we work has been shaken to its core and is reshaping itself into something new called Fractional. Learn why. And learn how to enter the new Fractional economy successfully.

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World leader in Fractional Education

Jason Voiovich

Head of Education

Head of education. Co-founder. Proud introvert. Lover of history. Writer of books. FCMO since 2017.

John Arms

Our Microphone Man

Co-founder. Educator. Author. Speaker. Podcaster. Blogger. Entrepreneur. FCMO since 2018.

Amy Davis

Operational Glue

Customer service. Schedule maker. Task master. Project manager. Do-er of all.

FVA since 2019.

Education team

Patrick Seaton

Head of Deep Dives

Co-horts, masterminds, thinking styles, all the deep Fractional work comes from Patrick’s mind.

Kurt Hahlbeck

Also Head of Deep Dives

Co-horts, masterminds, thinking styles, all the deep Fractional work is a two person job.

To learn more about any of our products, Christian is your guy. Proud graduate of Voyageur University!

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Write your own Fractional success story.

Rob Smith

Fractional since 2023

“Voyageur U shortened my time to becoming a Fractional pro by at least six months.“

Jessica Kelley

Fractional since 2019

“I have a thriving Fractional business. Without a doubt, I would not be where I am today it if wasn't for Voyageur U.”

Liz Otteson

Fractional since 2022

“I took the coursework because there was no roadmap for my next career move. Found it!”

Fractional Supertools™

Supertool: Heisenberg AI for FCMOs.

Extra support for Fractional pros.

We recently reviewed Heisenberg AI, an AI tool built by Atomic Elevator for Fractional CMOs, CSOs and CROs. The value is you have an additional 100 top-level marketing brains at your elbow, so when you write your plans, strategy and execution in the tool your are you, plus 100 of the best marketers in AI.

Our early test:

  1. Saves 4-6 weeks of whiteboard and research time on planning and strategy
  2. Helps increase win rate with stronger pitches
  3. Increases accuracy and precision of your plans, strategy and execution
  4. Clients love it, which creates ongoing stickiness

The product is in its first beta. We are waaaaay beyond chat GPT here.

New tools are popping up to support Fractional professionals all of the time. We review these tools ourselves, and if we feel they add value to your business, we recommend them here.

Woman Working from Home Remote Work Concept
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Fractional Supertools™

Woman on a Video Call Through a Laptop

Supertool: Rainmaker Fractional Biz Development.

We recently reviewed Rainmaker, a tool you can add to ​your arsenal to build up a client base and connection base ​quickly. So far we are loving it. Think about it as the intern ​that does a lot of the outreach for you and keeps track of ​it. Since nearly all of your clients are on LinkedIn, it plays in ​the right playground.

Our early test:

  1. Adds about 100 new contacts to our connection base ​each month.
  2. Keeps us out of the spam space and squarely in the ​relationship building space.
  3. Keeps us on LinkedIn good side.

The product is for all Fractional pros. Particularly those of ​us who consider LinkedIn as just too big of a world.

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Book John for your next event, podcast, article or interview.


Talk to Christian for more details

on our training products .

Contact Christian Solomine.

Fractional Hiring™

Please contact us to book your session.

We will book your sessions and invoice you then.

This training is for...

Small and Mid Market companies looking to reduce hiring costs, reduce the risk of the wrong full-time hire, and at the same time get the talent they need to grow.

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The format is...

One-hour session to understand fractional.

One-hour session to align fractional to your needs (As many Fractional people on your team as needed).

Org chart fractional identification exercise.

Fractional job description exercise.

Introductions to a curated list of fractional professionals that meet your first identified opportunity.

The help you get is...

  1. We help you find the best immediate opportunity for a fractional to help you AND THEN hand-pick trained fractionals for you to interview and select.
  2. Voyageur U is the leading expert on Fractional Talent; we’ve trained over 500 fractional professionals and have literally written the book(s) on it. We know what it takes for fractionals to deliver value to you.
  3. Ours is a one-time fee. There’s no commission or contingent fee. It’s a one-time fee to teach you how to fish. We’re not a recruiter.

Your alternatives are...

DIY your learning. Learn from open content on the market.

Ask your HR or recruiter the different value Fractional brings.

Ask your HR or recruiter to to source Fractional talent on the open market.

Post jobs for Fractional talent.

Ask around your network and hope for good talent.


Fractional Explorer™

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This training is for...

Mid to late-career professionals wondering if fractional is right for them.

The format is...

One-hour webinar with John Arms, structured around our Fractional Readiness survey you will take prior to the session.

Fractional basics for non-fractionals.

Hiring side insight.

Fractional readiness pre-webinar survey.

Recording of the webinar.

Individualized comments on assessment results.

The help you get is...

Find out definitively if fractional is, or is not, for you. And why.

Gain a critical connection with John Arms - the leading advocate for fractional careers.

Gain customized insight into your own personal readiness to start your own business, whether it’s fractional or not.

Your alternatives are...

Hire a career coach. Typically $500/hr.

Read general-purpose articles or books that may (or may not) be relevant to you.

Take advice from a Fractional pro in your network.


Fractional Accelerator™

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This training is for...

Professionals who have decided to go fractional, but would like to achieve success in weeks versus months.

The format is...

Cohort-based instruction from John Arms and Jason Voiovich with pre and post session study materials.

  1. Week 1: Fractional basics today
  2. Week 2: Fractional sales
  3. Week 3: Fractional mindset for success
  4. Week 4: Fractional operations
  5. Week 5: Fractional financial model
  6. Week 6: Fractional action plan

Fractional templates and guides

  1. Proposal process guide
  2. Proposal templates
  3. Master Services Agreement Template

The help you get is...

Accelerate your time to clients, revenue and stability.

Enter your fractional career prepared, confident and ready to succeed.

Prevent thousands of dollars of spending in the wrong places.

Prevent wasting time, mistakes and dead ends.

Avoid unproven methods and wasteful DIY learning curve activity.

Instant network, community and allies with your co-horts.

Exploration, questions and insights with peers will enhance your learning curve.

Active learning, like training with a coach, versus passive learning on your own.

Proposals and MSA templates save you several thousands of dollars in attorney fees.

Your alternatives are...

Our Fractional DIY program.


Fractional Coach™

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This training is for...

Fractionals who want 1:1, individualized coaching – like a dedicated personal trainer.

The format is...

Review of your current challenges.

Review of your business goals.

Open Q & A with your coach.

Coaching and guidance on solutions, ideas and pathways forward.

Zoom meetings

The help you get is...

Guidance from Fractional experts/thought leaders/educators.

Get unstuck where you are stuck.

Affirm motion in the right direction.

Avoid traps and mistakes.

Your alternatives are...

Ask a general business coach.

Find an existing Fractional and ask for advice FRUN, VU.

Learn at FRAK.

Find Fractional leaders and ask for time.


Fractional Positioning™

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This training is for...

Committed fractionals who need to figure out what they’ll offer and get practice pitching themselves.

The format is...

Six group/cohort working sessions with Kurt/Patrick.

One 1:1 session with Kurt/Patrick.

Pre-record materials.

Live practice in each session.

The help you get is...

Deep dive work on the true value you bring. After decades in a corporate job, many people get stuck here! This course will get you unstuck.

Your alternatives are...

Ask a general business coach.

Find an existing Fractional and ask for advice FRUN, VU.

Learn at FRAK.

Find Fractional leaders and ask for time.


Fractional Funnel™

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This training is for...

Committed fractionals who need help with the mechanics of generating leads on platforms like LinkedIn and networking.

The format is...

Two-hour program coached by John Arms.

Pre-course prep materials.

Step-by-step instructions.

Real-time lead targeting and segmenting.

Instructions on automation platforms.

The help you get is...

In two hours you will get a population of clients over 500 people. The average Fractional needs just 4. I will teach you how to turn 500 into 4 using LinkedIn.

Prevent mistakes in networking and connecting.

The Fractional Funnel is your system and plan to always have the comfort and security funnel in your fractional business.

Your alternatives are...

DIY your sales on LinkedIn.

Self tutor via Sales Navigator.


Fractional DIY™

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This training is for...

Committed fractionals who want to go at their own pace yet have first access to fractional opportunities as they come up.

The format is...

Self-guided based on new lessons each month.

Understanding your value portfolio.

Understanding your revenue streams.

Mixing Fractional, project and freelance.

How to make money.

Sales mentality for Fractionals.

Managing client relationships.

Fractional tech stack.

Fractional benefits and healthcare.

Handling the skeptics.

Timeframe to success.

Traits of a Fractional professional.

Top things we wish we had at the beginning!

Making your Fractional plan.

The help you get is...

You receive curated, bite-sized lessons each month designed to enhance your fractional practice.

You don’t have to wonder where to start or what to do next.

Your fractional path is laid out in front of you for you to address at your own speed on your own.

Voyageur U Certification, when companies seek talent through Voyageur U, you are the first to be informed and given the option to pursue.

Your alternatives are...

Read Revolt and DIY your path.


Fractional Referrals™

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This training is for...

Committed fractionals who need to increase their number of inbound referrals.

The format is...

1.5 hr program coached by John Arms.

Pre-course prep materials.

Step-by-step instruction on the nature of referrals, building a referral mindset and how to build referral activity into the systems of your business.

The help you get is...

A deeper understanding of what actually causes referrals to happen.

Shifting your mindset on how to earn referrals.

Guidance on referral mechanics.

Adding referral work to your business operations .

Your alternatives are...

Random networking and hoping for the best, Not good!.
